Latest News
Greetings Stone Walkers and Friends!
We are excited about a busy 2016! We are filling our calender with many course venues, expanded training opportunities, and new Certified Stone Medicine Instructors are joining our tribe!
Over the past few months we have made changes in our business structure that will allow us to expand our offerings to students worldwide and help streamline some of our behind the scenes work. Thanks to Sandra Hoak and her talented staff at Cedar Stone School of Massage, the areas of business that require some young minds and higher education will be better served! The areas of Stone Medicine that need more attention from me can now be the focus of my work as the business ‘stuff’ that is important to everyone is handled by others. THANK YOU!!
Sandra suggested a we developed a more expansive format for training the folks who are looking for more than simple massage techniques. Her idea is the Medicine Path Program (MPP). This will bring some of our courses in line with the ancient traditions to support a more active training system that will not fit into our short week-end workshop format. This program is open to everyone who has taken Stone Medicine Level ~ 1. If you have not taken this foundation prerequisite course, check the calendar to find one near you quickly as the first event for the MPP is scheduled for March 2016!
Various courses are related to the Four Sacred Directions on the Altar and the Medicine Wheel. By supplementing the course materials with this deeper spiritual balance the students and instructors alike will have a more personal connection to the ancestors who created this work. As an example many of you are wonderful at offering and/or teaching Rain Bath. However there is (of course) another layer to the teaching that I have not yet shared. Did you know it sits in East, is the first session most clients should receive (how can anything serve until they are detoxified?) and has a ton of material about Eagle and Air that is never shared in class? Did you know that the Northern Lights can be replicated with cast Rainbows from Crystals during this session? There are many layers to each of the courses that were cut out of the basic information in order to bring it to the massage profession.
It has been a challenge to bring these teachings to the workshop format with so many of the gifts from these Sacred Strokes being lost in translation. By the time we had logical, repeatable formulas, with rigid stroke sheets, to make the class teachable and repeatable, we had lost some of the natural flow of Stone Medicine. No longer was each Stone Walker able to develop their personal dance as they were required to imitate the step by step process of the professional massage practitioner. This is still a necessary evil of the workshop format and will serve to share the medicine for many generations. But now we have the option of expanding the spiritual knowledge and blessings of Stone Medicine by opening the Medicine Path Program to those who want to be more traditional in their approach to the stones. This is a way to gather some of the ancient wisdoms about how to ‘be’ the Stone Medicine Ceremony and how to dance to your own heart beat with Inyan Oyate!
Drop by the “Courses” web page and read the brief description of the Medicine Path Program to see what is happening! Keep an eye on your e-mail in-box as Cedar Stone will soon be sending out invitations and registration information about the MPP. You might want to attend the program or suggest it to some of your students. There will be others who will teach this entire program, but this is probably the only opportunity you will have to take this 15 month course from me as I look forward to retiring soon.
For you new visitors to our web site, drop us an e-note on the Contact Us tab and we’ll add you to the e-mail list so you can receive this information! Remember to sign up for the prerequisite Stone Medicine Level~1…Calendar tab
Blessings to everyone for a Happy, Healthy and Abundant new year!
– Jenny Ray