Masako Takami (JP)

e-mail Masako at:

Tokyo, Japan

I have been blessed to meet Masako! Not only is she a wonderful business associate, she has become a close friend. Masako has hosted me to teach in Japan nearly every year since 2005. She has been to my home for additional training and to join in retreat events many times. Joining us in Sweat Lodge on several occasions and other ceremonies has helped deepened her commitment to the Red Way. Masako’s ‘real name’ is Wakhan Wambli Winan (Sacred Eagle Woman). She received her Castun (naming ceremony) in Japan with many of her students and friends in attendance. I am so impressed and pleased with the remarkable way Masako carries the medicine of our people in her land.

Masako first joined a Stone Medicine course over a decade ago in Tucson, AZ where Mary Nelson was hosting a large out-door course at her home, for her LaStone Therapy worldwide instructors. There were LaStone instructors from Denmark, Germany, Japan, the US, England, Wales, Australia, and Jamaica. Masako had been training with Mary for about a year at that time and soon felt she should learn to teach both approaches of Professional Stone Massage. She quickly became certified with LaStone Therapy (LST) to teach Original Body and began sharing the stones with her students in Japan.

Within a few months of our first meeting, Masako began hosting me to come to Japan and train her students in the various classes of Stone Medicine. Each time she holds classes in Tokyo and we then visit different cities (several on the smaller islands away from the Tokyo mainland) to train more practitioners. Each year, large numbers of students would join us. When time allowed Masako would take additional training to become certified to teach another Stone Medicine course. Over the years it became apparent that the Japanese students who were already highly educated would continue training until they became eligible to be certified as instructors of Stone Medicine courses. Masako is currently working with me to establish an Asian training program.

Masako shops the world over for stones! She has established working relationships with stone carvers to create the specific shapes, sizes and colors of stones we need for various courses. She developed the beautiful line of Jade stones that serve as both heated and chilled stones. She imports and exports the products required to build this business. Her success is a model for those of us working in other countries and openly shares her knowledge and tallents to support the growth of Stone Medicine.

It sounds exciting (and it is!) to teach in Japan, but the work involved for Masako is incredible. First she chooses the course she wants to host and then has me send her the manual so she can translate it for the students. NO SMALL TASK! Then she contacts the students and arrange dates and locations for the courses. She must also plan all my travel and lodging arrangements, chauffer me around the various locations and interpret every word I speak to the students and what they respond to me. She transports (shipping via air freight most times) stones, heating and chilling units, massage tables, linens, and all supplies necessary for the various locations. Many students are now bringing their own supplies, but in the early days Masako was doing most of that herself. On top of all this Masako must translate for me every moment I am there as I know less than a dozen words of Japanese! Oh and did I mention Masako was learning to speak English when I first met her? WOW!

LaStone Therapy has a system to recognize the advanced training levels of students who take multiple courses. Stone Medicine courses were also credited towards these advanced levels of education. To date there are more Master LaStone Therapists in Japan than in any nation worldwide and much of that was achieved by the Stone Medicine training these excellent Stone Walkers took.

Masako is a very hard working, well educated, intelligent business woman, who just happens to be an amazing healer and talented Stone Walker! Can you tell, I love her?

Masako is the Stone Medicine Asian Ambassador. Recently Masako taught Stone Medicine classes in Hong Kong, opening a new nation to the wellness techniques of our people. She will soon establish other courses throughout Asia as well. She manages all the instructor training programs, course offerings and workshop locations throughout Asia. Her dedication to the stones and her students is remarkable.

Masako is certified to teach:

Ran Bath, Advanced Rain Bath, Gem and Crystal Stone Massage (Shaman Stones), Winter Warrior, Grandmother Cedar, Wase, Sacred Strokes 1, Stone Medicine 1, White Bear, Healing Hands, and the Asian Instructor Training Program (ITP).

Japan has more Stone Medicine certified practitioners than any other country in the world. Japan can take pride in holding the record for the highest educated Stone Walkers in the world.